Synthesis and characterization of Cu and Fe (1:2) metal complexes based on their substituted pyridones acid dyes and their application on wool fabrics

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Polymer and Textile Engineer, ABU, ZARIA

2 Department of Polymer and Textile Engineering

3 Department of polymer and Textile Engineeering



In this study, the investigation deals with synthesis of acid dyes from 4-amino-1-(4-sulfophenyl)- 3-methyl-5-pyrazolone and their pyridone derivatives and their metal complexes (Cu (II)and Fe (II)). The pyridone derivatives include 1-amino-2-hydroxy-4-methyl-5-cyano-6-pyridone, 1- methyl-2-hydroxy-4-methyl-5-cyano-6-pyridone, 1-ethyl-2-hydroxy-4-methyl-5-cyano-6-pyridone and 1-buthyl-2-hydroxy-4-methyl-5-cyano-6-pyridone. The acid dyes were successfully synthesised with good yield ranging from 75-96% and were metallized using Cu (II) and Fe (II) in the ratio 1:2. Metallized acid dyes with Cu (II) and Fe (II) were successfully synthesised with good yield ranging from 82-96%. Characterization of these dyes structure were confirmed by UV, FTIR and GCMS. These acid dyes were applied on wool fabrics to access their dyeing properties. All these acid dyes gave yellow, greenish yellow, dark grey and brown color shades. The washing fastness showed moderate to excellent (4-7), rubbing fastness indicate good to excellent in wet and dry (3-5) and fastness to perspiration showed moderate to very good (3-4) on wool fabrics. The fastness properties of non-metalized acid dyes were less as compared to metal complex acid dyes due to high tinctorial strength and efficient exhaustion of metallized dyes on wool fabrics using pH of 6.


Main Subjects

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